Howard Aiken| Don't worry about people stealing an idea. If it's original, you will have to ram it down their thr

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Deep breath. Changeable skies. It's not 11AM yet and I've been to the grocery store for vital and necessary things like non-dairy creamer, a 12-pack of soda, 2 packages of Reese's peanut butter cups, air freshener and limeade.

I've also done two loads of laundry.

Last night, I fell asleep with the remote next to my pillow. Somehow the remote migrated away. I couldn't find it this morning. Maddening. Bed stripped, things strewn about, but no remote. I did the only logical thing; I left the room. Ten minutes later, I came back in and found it. The remote fell between the pages of one of my notebooks. Perhaps we could view it as a metaphor for the triumph of the written word? Probably just physics though, huh.

I've got a new to me Billy Collins poetry collection, Sailing Alone Around the Room. It's got pieces from several of his books. I like Collins' work. It's not coy, cutesy or full of itself. This is this, his poems say, but there's this, too. What can I say? Collins is the first contemporary poet that I've enjoyed.

I don't know if I'm venturing out tonight. I'm revelling in being alone. Ach. We shall see.

Now to finish the comics, make my bed and study. Whoopee.

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