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Spent today chez moi. Why? Because I needed a day off. That, and I went to a birthday celebration last night that got me home at 01:30. Waking up at 05:15 would have been cruel--and I just didn't feel like it.

How full I am of responsibility. *koff*

It's nice to spend a day alone. No phone calls, no interaction (except that I initiate), and no bloody coffee. Though I did go to Starbuck's...

When I went up to order, two women in front of me took a long time to make up their minds about which one of the bazillion menu items to order. A very long time.

I dunno. I generally have something in mind when I wander into a place, take a look at the choices, find one that's either exactly it, or one that most closely resembles what I want. Got up to the register and ordered my drink. Then the wait.

Stood in amazement while the baristo fixed four drinks. It took forever. Even I'm quicker, and I ain't a mistress of speed when it comes to making drinks.

Finally, it was called. Walked back to Tora, and home.

Figured that I'd spend some time thinking about what's going on in my life. But I'm remarkably content, I think. There are some things that niggle, but most of the time it's okay.

The best news is that I'm starting later hours next week. Don't have to be in until 09:30- 10:00. Sure I've got to stay until 17:30. But I'm finding that early mornings are to me like garlic to a vampire.

I like to put it this way; I've never told a morning person that they'd get used to late hours. Yet I'm told that time and time again. I can imagine how that conversation would go...

X: No, really. Just start waking up at 10:00 or 11:00. Then we'll go eat breakfast, do some work, get back home, eat dinner. Have some down time. Along about 21:30, we'll see what people are up to. We'll head out around 22:00. Catch a show. Have a beer. Go to the bookstore. Whatever. Along about 01:30 we'll start heading home. Then we can do it again. Oh, don't worry. You'll get used to it.

On top of that, there's a unwarrented assumption of some sort of virtue in waking early. Perhaps when we were all farmers, and needed the daylight. But we don't all farm anymore. And there's this thing called artificial light now.

I suppose I'm also an indoor creature. Sure, tramping through the woods is fine. I enjoy getting out into green country. But not all the time. I swear, if I ever live somewhere with a garden, it'll be desolate. There'll probably be little flurries of plantings and such--but nothing concerted. Actually, I'd probably cover my garden in native plants and whack 'em back when they blocked the path to the door. That'd suit me just fine.

Off to do some reading. Be fabulous.

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