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Hail and salutations.

The apartment at WahferThin Manor is well on its way to being empty. Last Sunday D and I got the heaviest boxes out. Now I'm down to the weird detritus that collects in corners, closets, and cachepots. Transferred the re-charging units for my mobile and my Bluetooth last week over to The Compound (that's what D calls his place, though it lacks searchlights and razorwire) so I'm pretty much living there now. I'll get all the residential stuff straightened out after I get back from the other Washington.

D's cat and I have worked out a morning routine; I get up, get the teapot going, and play String with her until the pot whistles. Then it's time to replenish the food bowl, and check that her water glass is full. Yep. She drinks from a water glass on the coffee table. D'you think we cater to her too much? Nah...

It's nice to have someone with whom to eat dinner, share odd thoughts with, and laughter at midnight. >)

The shed is slowly coming together. Last weekend we got the two corner posts placed and about half of the pavers in. The guys did most of the work, I helped by being a go-fer. Carried a good bunch of the pavers for D to place and played amateur masseuse at the end of the day.

I'm off to plan dinner (whee!) (No, really; big grin and happy, WHEE!) and hang out with my guy. Ooo.

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