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I am the Queen of Reading -- at least I am in my own little vest pocket of the universe. For gits and shiggles I kept all of the print-outs of what I took from the library over the break. Last night I did some figurin'. Don't be too impressed, the bulk of the books were trashy romance novels (and yes, thank you, I've had my fill for now) so they weren't intellectually challenging. That doesn't mean that they weren't well-written, most of them were. We ain't talking Metamagical Themas or Being and Nothingness here.

Okay, over 15 days (from December 14th to December 29th) I read 42 books. That's 2.8 books a day. That's quantity, not quality reading. *laugh*

I read Cronenberg's adaptation of Crash last evening. It's a pretty good adaptation, what Cronenberg chose to leave out removes the story from just one era. In the novel, Ballard has Dr. Vaughn obsessed with killing himself and Elizabeth Taylor in a violent car accident. Cronenberg removed the references to Taylor, yet preserves the sense of Vaughn's manic desires. Now all I've got to do is steel myself and watch the movie. The few times I've come across it have been anxiety-producing, rather than interesting.

Early, early this morning I woke up and couldn't lure the sandman back. So I read the screenplay for The Matrix. The more screenplays that I read the more I see how they're descriptions of the visual and not narratives that are designed to stand on their own. That said, it was a fun read.

I just finished a review of the Watchmen for the first issue of school newspaper for the winter term. I've got mah geek on. Woo hoo!

This may well be another stay in New Year's Eve. It snowed last evening, rained today, and they're predicting more precipitation this evening. Portland drivers and slippery roads are bad enough, add inebriation and people unused to staying out late and there's a recipe for massive stupidity on the road. I love my little Tora, but he can't take much of an impact. So, *sigh* .

Another thrilling New Year's Eve. *bleh* Well hey, I've got a party to go to this Saturday evening -- unless I catch the cold that Step-father has.

Happy new year.

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