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Acting mid-term this evening.

After the test, while waiting outside to get back into the theatre, got sniped at by a person in the class. This is how it went down (as best as I can remember)

Person: Are we supposed to get our new scene partners tonight?

X: No, he's (our instructor) doing it Wednesday after we run the scenes.

Person: Well, he said last week that it was Monday night.

X: On the syllabus it says Wednesday and every other time that he's talked about it, it's been Wednesday.

Person: Well, I've got it on tape and he said Monday.

X: That may be, but every time he's talked about it for the entire term, it's been Wednesday.

Person: I don't like your attitude.

X: What?

Person: I don't like your attitude. You act like you know everything, all the time.

X: Excuse me?

Person: I don't like your attitude. (runs away)

So what am I supposed to do? Apologize for being correct? How unfair is it of her to snipe and then run away?

But this. This is manipulative behaviour.

The person has informed everyone that s/he is in recovery. I wonder if that's supposed to be carte blanche for boorish behaviour?

What gets me is how hurtful it is, and then I get mad at myself for letting it get to me. I know that I react badly to manipulative behaviour. I had my fill of it during my marriage.

I don't know how to deal with this person. I don't have the tools. Any suggestions?

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