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SNAFU -- that's what it all is right now. Not just in my life, but in general.

I get the feeling that the whole gay marriage thing is simply a McGuffin -- a way to disguise bigger issues. Isn't it convenient that this issue (guaranteed to polarize) comes up during election year.

Me? I'm more worried about the ever quickening erosion of the Constitution. I'm worried about whether or not I'll be able to find a job when I get through with school. I'm worried about whether or not I'll ever be able to afford health insurance. Why is it that VA centers are being closed down? Why do families have to buy their children flak jackets before they get shipped out? Where are military benefits for families?

Frankly, if you're mad (i.e. insane) enough to want to plight your troth with whomever, knock yourself out. Since when is it anyone's business what people who are ostensibly above the age of reason do with themselves?

I remember reading somewhere (Gads, why does this always happen? I can't recall where I read it.) that originally a marriage was performed by the husband and wife. They were the officiants. The church kinda stood around giving its stamp of approval.

Is marriage really the basis for civilization that Bush claims it is? How does that work?

There's always someone who's life is so empty (or they feel it is) that they've got to go sticking their face in everyone's business.

I don't know. I like the safe, sane and consensual ethos that the B&D community espouses -- or did the last time I checked.

Oh gads -- algebra calls.

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