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Memorial day--whoop-dee-doo--I got a terrible start this morning as I was getting the newspaper. Two fighter jets streaked across the sky in tandem and it was chilling. I thought of people in Iraq staring up at the sky as jets fly over, never knowing if they're benign or malignant.

At the end of Desert Storm, I still lived in DC. There was a huge, self-congratulatory, circle-jerk of a parade. For days before the parade, they shipped in tanks, hum-vees, planes and all sorts of military paraphenalia. I remember watching the Stealth fighters zipping around, doing practice runs a few days before the parade. While I appreciated the engineering and the intellect to create such amazing machinery, their silhouette scared me half to death. Not a happy day for this ol' gal.

I've got a proposal. We should make the Bush administration read Dune. Wait, before you hurt yourself laughing, here's my reasoning; Dune is about a desert planet with warlike, highly proud natives whose watchword is -- he who can destroy something, controls it. The area is prime for some sort of saviour, a person around which to rally. Not that I think that reading that book will solve anything, I'm just hoping that it'd put the situation into a form that the present administration might be able to grasp.

I'm thinking of the recent incursions into oil production facilities. I think that people injured and/or killed during the raids are secondary to the primary goal of disrupting (if not stopping) oil production.

Then again, what do I know? I'm just a dumb girl... yeah, like I believe that. Hah!

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