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It's 6:32AM. Been up since 3:30-ish. How quick and how slow those hours passed. Can't sleep, but tired. Been ranting here and there, words are flying out of my hands like children heading out for recess. Tried to read, it made sleeplessness worse. Tried to work on my screenplay, but the characters are acting like automatons. Can't find a just-right-sized rock to lob at them. I'll find it, I will. It's going to take a bit of staring out the window and willingness to slaughter some babies.

Had proper coffee yesterday afternoon and now I'm paying. I've crossed over and become one of those who cannot drink caffeine beyond my allowed one cup in the morning. Is that good? Probably. Is that bad? Probably not. But dang, I laughed at people who bought double skim de-caf lattes. Wondered why they bothered. Now I know. Ach, the arrogance of ignorance.

Sat in the coffeeshop yesterday, looking at people writing on their wireless laptops. Writing has always been a solitary pursuit for me. I'll scribble the birth of a poem, or some story seed, or some addition to something in progress. They're little, dashed off, orphans. I can't understand the desire to write in public. Next thing you know they'll be pulling out their naughty bits.

Hell, what do I know? Maybe it's a way of remembering that there's a wider world out there.

Added noonish Saturday.

Yesterday, late afternoon, as I drove back to the house, I saw a vehicle with a vanity tag that said "Hi Yo Ag." It made me think of Hato-kun. *sigh* Gosh I miss him. My impatience makes me too sharp sometimes. Happy, because it's the last few days before his deadline, and he finally gets out of the madness for a breather.

Added 8:30-ish PM Saturday

Help! I've too much time on my hands and have completely knackered any access to my archives. Hell, they ain't gold (On a good day they might be the wordish equivalent of the gunk you muck out of a really filthy stall, say, King Augeus'?), but it's gonna be a bit before I can figure it out. Three hours of sleep isn't the time to flog HTML--especially since it's mostly hunt, peck, and the occasional happy accident for me. Huh, I say, Wonder what'll happen if I do this?

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