Reading: "The Silver Metal Lover" Tanith Lee

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I was SUCH a culcha-vulcha last evening. Went down to the Blackfish gallery for a poetry reading--la. Got all gussied up--la. Went over to the Hole for a birthday beer with Treluv, Binkie, and BB (it was his birthday). I had wine, bien sur. The Hole does try to get a halfway decent house red, so, yay.

There was another birthday party going on at the Hole. Several bands played. Eventually, the birthday girl came over and exchanged b-day greetings with BB. She gushed about how "hot" the guitarist and rhythm player in the band then-playing were. There must be an exciting, new definition of "hot" that includes pasty, doughy white boys with bleach-blonde hair who wear tennis visors *shudder*, and wop-tops (aka: wifebeater tees, or athletic tees) who have bigger boobs than me. For comparison purposes, I wear a 32D.

The horror. The horror.

BB's woman is flying in today, and he's been spiffing himself and his apartment up. (Please pardon the strangled syntax.) He asked Binkie and me for our sartorial, and home decorating opinions several times. Like I have a clue.

I'm the one with the black velvet painting of a cat-like creature with an angel wing, a leopard tail, a duck foot, and a boxing glove hanging over my desk. My taste? A bit odd. But absolutely my own.

Tonight is another la-di-dah night. Treluv's playing at Imbibe in Hawthorne. (Hawthorne is the Next Big Trendy Area in Stumptown.) After he plays, he, Binkie, and I are going to a VIP opening of a new nightclub in the Pearl district. We're meeting BB and his lady-friend there.


And there's this: aern
Aeryn: You are Aeryn Sun. Some might call you cold,
or even tight-assed, but it's okay, 'cause you
can take 'em! Cool, calm, and collected you
work well under pressure and aren't afraid to
take on the boys.

Who the FRELL are you? A Farscape Personality Quiz.
brought to you by Quizilla

Because I am excited about the upcoming Farscape: The Peacekeeper Wars and a certified otaku-ko. Whee!

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