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Got into work today, the place was in an interesting state. Looked like a good, strong wind had blown through.

I'm not certain if there's something that I need to be doing, because I've never been shown where to look for new work, or where things like proofs are kept.

A customer came in, asking to see his proofs. I haven't a clue, which I said, but I also looked. The guy acted as though I was deliberately trying to stymie him. Yep. That's me, trying to prevent your business from starting through any means, fair or foul.

Like I care enough about his crap to prevent him from looking at it. Wage slaves of the world, unite, and prevent customers from getting their work. It is through this that the evil overlords can be brought to their knees. Jayzu kreest on the withers of a narwhale.

Had an amusing time at the Beat last evening. Heard some stuff from new people. Heard some new stuff from people. Me? I read, but I haven't written any new poetry in a while. I've been concentrating on prose.

Started a new bellydance costume for next week's taping. Red and silver are what I'm going for. That's flash enough, neh? Requests have been made that I not wear the harem pants under my skirt. I'm not sure the world (or this teensy section of it) is ready for my 40-year-old thighs. *laugh*

Go be fabulous, you wonderful things.

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