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Guess who didn't realize that the Devil's Point is a strip club?


Devil's Point is a triangular building on a triangular lot in Southeast Portland. The side of the building facing the direction I came from only has the name of the bar. It didn't really dawn on me until Treluv mentioned it, almost in passing. Then it all thudded into place.

Oh, I'm a doofy girl.

I got there around 9:15, found the guys and took a seat. Long-legged barstools, covered in reddish/marble-ish vinyl, with a decided tilt forward of the seat. All evening I felt as if I were being launched across the room. The stage, backed by hand-smudged mirrors, was suspended from the ceiling at the front with two chains. The metal was at least a centimeter thick (maybe a squidge more), and the links were about 10 centimeters long. Perverts' row, at the front of the stage, was a narrow ledge separated from the actual stage by a rail. A couple of large ashtrays and some forgotten beer glasses piquantly accessorized the row. The rest of the cramped bar was swathed in red fabric, red paint, posters, and crypto-diabolical knick-knacks like masks, gargoyles and hand-painted devils. The posters advertised special theme nights at the bar; Wednesday night is New Wave night. I suppose the strippers dance to Missing Persons and the like. Sunday nights are "Stripper-oke"; karaoke with strippers. That might be worth checking out.

Along one wall were video games and pinball. I noticed the miniscule cubby of a private dance area nestled into a corner. A threadbare, red curtain covered less than it revealed. The bare bulb utility lamp added to its seedy appeal. A white lamp clamped to the ceiling shined down on the tan-felted pool table.

Friends arrived. Binkie, MlleE, Chatterbox, JE, and others showed up through the evening. Chatterbox was throwing a Single Again Par-Tay, and was in fine fettle. MlleE was tired from playing Susie Retail all day--compounded by the drooling idjits who're coming into the Big City for the Rose Festival. Still, it was lovely seeing everyone.

When I ran back into the dressing room to get changed, I noticed a note on the mirror. The note asked if everyone noticed how clean the dressing room is, and could they please keep it that way. Oh, and the carpet and curtains had even been disinfected.

The Vinos played, and were wonderful. I danced. I finished the evening with a shot of tequila *whoop!*, an inadvertant dressing room flash (not too bad, I was wearing my black bra and my jeans--all the naughty bits were covered), and a long drive out to the 'burbs.

So. I've had my first strip club gig.

It's a red letter day.

Now, where's more tequila?

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