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I just ate my first real meal since Sunday's not settin' real well. (Nothing like an unrequested update on the state of my gurgling plumbing to start, eh?)

Woke at 03:45 this morning. My temperature was hovering around 101F. However, I know that there's no one to cover for me at work. Rather than going back to sleep I read. Then got up and went to work.


Had a fly-by the video store this afternoon to return 2046 and some Farscape DVDs. 2046 is a beautiful, tragic movie with long minutes of extreme Frenchness. Amazing costuming, editing, camera work, and acting. Check out the trailer here.

In contrast to the heady subtlety and nuances of 2046 and the much beloved characters and story of Farscape, I got some stinkers today. I may have to gnaw off arm to save myself. Riki-Oh: The Story of Ricky--bad, bad, bad, bad, bad Hong Kong martial arts movie. To quote Mike Pinsky from DVD Verdict "It aims for camp, but ends up as mere perversion." Who could ask for anything more?

Wait. I can.

The second half of my double feature o' yummy badness is Gory Gory Hallelujah. To quote from the movie site:

"Four actors compete for the role of Jesus - a black revolutionary (Jeff Gilbert), a bisexual hippie (Tim Gouran), a Jew (Todd Licea), and a woman (Angie Louise). When all four are rejected, they hit the road on bad-ass motorcycles, bound for glory in New York City. But when a run-in with a gang of Elvises ends in murder, they find themselves stranded in a little town called Jackville - where folk don't take kindly to blasphemers. Taken prisoner, the Jesuses fall prey to an evil conspiracy that can only lead to the Apocalypse. As the oppressed turn against each other and the undead rise, who will emerge as the true Jesus? Can zombies bring redemption, or just eat flesh?"

You can imagine my joyful jig in the aisle when I came across this little road apple.

It's time to buzz my noggin again. I'm looking ragged--and with hair this short, that will not do. By golly.

I'm off. Now go. Be fabulous.

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