[Spring is] when life's alive in everything. -Christina Rossetti

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It's spring. Oh my god, it's spring. Everyone's getting frisky and saucy.

Had a customer ask today, "What would it take for me to watch you masturbate?" How does this happen? If it ain't new acquaintances telling me about their golden shower experiences, it's guys telling me exactly what they'd like to do with/at/for me. This same customer informed me that there were at least five or six guys in the building who'd happily provide stud service.

Wubba? I don't know if it's my new-found sexual confidence, or if it's the season, or what the deal is. I'm still having trouble accepting it-though I'm taking it for the compliment that I think it's meant to be. Does that make sense?

For so long I shut that aspect of myself down. Didn't want to give it any credence because I didn't want to be one of Those Women who coast on looks alone. That shit don't last.

I remember, in high school, one of my teachers telling me that I couldn't get through life on cute. I didn't think I had, but it hurt. Made me second-guess what I was doing all the time.

On the more genteel side, an ancient Chinese gentleman came tottering up to me as I worked the bar. He grinned and said, "Beautiful. You so beautiful."

I thanked him. It seemed impolite to disagree. Laws.

It's high allergy season here. The pollen is a-flyin'. My voice has gotten deeper and more gravelly. Had great fun with the name of one of the roasts that we sell--Midnight Satin. You say it; Midnight Satin. Doesn't it sound kind of naughty?

I'm off to eat olives and lovely tomatoes. Read some wonderful books. Do some research on recycling centers. My aluminum can collection is reaching Alp-ian proportions. Not good.

Working a double yesterday makes getting out of work at 13:00 even more of a treat.

Be fabulous.

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