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  • Chaos of thought and passion, all confused;
  • Still by himself abused or disabused;
  • Created half to rise and half to fall;
  • Great lord of all things, yet a prey to all;
  • Sole judge of truth, in endless error hurled, --
  • The glory, jest, and riddle of the world.
  • ~ Alexander Pope Essay on Man. Epistle ii

    I danced at a friend's birthday party last night. It's the first time I've performed in months. I don't think I did that well, though everyone was full of compliments. It wasn't up to my standards of dance performance.

    As I danced, I looked at the faces of everyone around the living room. The music led my body into twists and shakes, shimmies and chest drops. It is more fun to dance for an audience, and the silvery jangle of my various bits of jewelry, hip-wraps, and the Bra from Hell formed counterpoint to the Turkish pop of Tarkan.

    Omigosh, the solstice is coming with its promise of spring, summer and new beginnings. I love it when my birthday falls on the solstice. It makes stepping back to reflect on the past year easier. I can start threading the loom of dreams for the next year in my life.

    Now it's off to do my favourite thing, research for a story. I love finding strange, little details that help a reader suspend disbelief. If the mundane and tiny are believeable, the biggest whoppers can be told.

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