Henry Miller - Sex is one of the nine reasons for reincarnation - the other eight are unimportant.

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To the Bad Man . . . whoopee! And ohhhh . . .

Fun party, lots of people, much alcohol. I had my very first Jell-O shooters last evening. Them's evil. I stopped after my second one. Went back to wine, then switched over to water.

The best thing of all -- the two year hiatus has ended. And there's talk of more to come. *bounce* *bounce* *bounce* *wriggle*

Late last night, after most people went home, a few hardy souls sat around the firepit. BA asked for a kiss on the cheek. I complied and another guest asked if he could have one, too. The resounding, "No," from BA felt strange, but nice, too.

A bit queasy this morning, but went back to sleep (after asking for some covers) and made it through.

Coffee on the sofa in the backyard this morning. The sun shining in its watery Portland way. Birds flitting. Some big, damn insect hovered in the air. It looked like a cross between a mosquito and a very svelte dragonfly.

While we sat and stared at the garage, a guest from the party showed up. He'd left his car (wisely) and came back to pick it up.

Then the deities of domesticity kicked in. There'd been some cleaning, but we got serious. Folding and stacking chairs. Searching for errant Jell-O shooter cups. Beer bottles. Water bottles. I folded two or three card tables. Felt competent because I didn't pinch myself. We got the table cleared off and the sofa back up on the deck.

There's something enjoyable about puttering around and putting things to rights. Felt comfortable. That's good.

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