L. Hughes: Let the rain kiss you. Let the rain beat upon your head with silver liquid drops. Let the rain sing you a lullaby.

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It's just after noon on a rainy - wait - sunny - wait - rainy - wait - devil's beatin' his wife*. The rusty-door-hinge frog is broadcasting his siren song to all the lovely lady frogs. Hell Kitty is fetal on top of the television.

I've got an article to write for the school newspaper. Looking forward to it, but have been wrestling with a terrible inability to write it. How does one make an April Fools article about alien astronauts both credible and funny? Ye gods and little fishes, writing humour is so damn hard. Oh well, trial by fire, right? I'll do some research into the breathless writings of Von Daniken (?spelling?) and Velikovsky to get the right timbre. Yeah, and go on from there.


Also adding some yumminess to my one act. I can't get over how wonderful the actors and the director are making my work look.

Just set up a screenwriting group for our hardcore writers. I hope that we'll be able to get it going. I already know that the people are good, and I respect their opinions and stories. That's pretty cool.

Other than that, it's the usual confusion, sturm und drang, of everyday life. Y'know; am I doing the right thing. What shall I do after I graduate from PCC. Where shall I live. What should I pour my heart into. The usual confusion of life. I thought I'd be much better at this by now -- wrong again. sigh

I do know that it's time to get out of Mater's house. It just is.

*Something my parents would say when it was both rainy and sunny. I think it's based on an old Irish saying or belief.

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