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One of the lovely things about visiting the Bad Man is the chance to discover new stuff. That's true with any new person you meet, but it's worth remarking on.

Saturday morning I was handed a pile of Preacher comics. I knew that I'd be sitting in the backyard wallowing in comic book deliciousness. I meant to leave, but I didn't want to stop reading. If you haven't had the pleasure, I'd say (a la Joe Bob Briggs) "Check it out."

I went to see a friend, Chaos, yesterday. She works as a body piercer at a local tattoo/piercing studio. While I waited, someone called my name. It was another friend who I haven't seen since last summer. Hugs and whoops all around. We sat around talking about writing, books, friends in common and what the hell we're doing with ourselves.

Last night, I went to the Rabbit Hole for the Subterranean Beat Revival poetry stuff. It's been a while, so I thought I should. Plus it's nice to see people and listen to some good stuff.


"I wanted to jump

your bones again

before I left," I said,

"But you've got things to do

& waiting whets the appetite."

Throwing that at you

to save my pride --

just in case.

What I wanted to say was

please pull me into your room,

kiss me,

help me pull off my clothes,

push me on your bed,

slip inside my skin.

I'm so glad

you caught that.

There was some lovely stuff read. Somebody said that I was the best motorcycle-riding, bellydancing poet they'd ever heard. Of course, if someone narrows the field that much, I've got a fighting chance. *laugh*

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