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Got my math test back today.

  • Note to self: read the freakin' directions!
  • Thanks to my blissful eliding over parts of some questions, I missed about six points. Crappity-crap-crap. That would have pushed me into an A. Oh well, at least I got a very high B. For me vis-a-vis math that's almost miraculous.

    Next week I shall attempt to make a loaf and a fish feed three people. Perhaps I'll try to walk across a puddle, too. Now if I could only get the water into wine thing going.

    Did the poetry thing last evening. Our emcee (we'll call him EmCee-CeeCee) was sartorially resplendent in kilt, shirt, tie, sporran and combat boots. He apologized for not wearing his sgian dhu. All evening long the What're you wearin' under there? questions flew thick and fast.

    EmCee-CeeCee said that the last time he wore his kilt to a party, women kept lifting it to check out the undergarments. He was offended, as anyone would be. He said that if he'd done the same thing to a woman, he'd be arrested for assault. So why, he asked, is it any different if a woman lifts a man's kilt?

    I agree. It's gauche to check out anyone's undergarments (or lack thereof) without being asked. That could be a good life rule; never check out skivvies uninvited. There's a truth you can hang your stockings on.

    Add that to the other truism: A party isn't a party until someone's wearing someone else's underpants on their head.

    It's very simple if you break it down to universal truths.

    I read three new-ish poems out of what will become my next chapbook. They went well, including a non-sex poem. I said that I feel sometimes like a one-trick pony dancin' to a tantric beat. Everyone laughed. EmCee-CeeCee yelled out that I'm not a one-trick pony to the people who know me.

    Before I went to the Subterranean Beat Revival, I checked out the tattoo shop next door. Seems that it's the oldest shop in Stumptown. They've got some great, old flash on the walls. The artists are friendly. We talked about my little bits of ink and got called a "patient collector." That is, I've got three, so I'm obviously addicted. However, I've only got three, so I'm choosy. Okay. I guess.

    That's it for now. Go be loud, gorgeous and break 13 hearts.

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