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Sent an e-mail with an update about Farscape to Hato-kun yesterday. This morning I got an e-mail back that said, "Back at you, nerd opponent." It was a blurb about Jude Law and a movie of *dramatic pause* The Watchmen. Seems that Law wants to play Adrian Veidt/Ozymandias. *hurm* (And if you get THAT little reference, congratulations! You're a bigger nerd than me.)

Damn. Trumped again.

Then I got giddy, because I am a nerdly-nerd. If you've never read The Watchmen, you should. It's the first comic book/graphic novel that smacked the classic superhero mythos upside its head. Alan Moore (the writer) is a mensch and a half.

There's always the chance that it'll suck. Look at Hellboy. What a disappointment. The Watchmen wouldn't even begin filming until 2005--and that's a ways away. A lot can go wrong or right between now and then.

Fingers, noses and toeses are crossed.

Today I'm supposed to meet with a couple of people about doing something to create a local, public access show. This morning they sent me the script that they've got. Well. It resembles a script. Not that I'm the arbiter of All Things Written but...yowch! The script has both kinds of humour; sexual and bathroom. Really. Someone craps in their pants during a robbery attempt.

*sigh* Well, chiggers can't be boozers.

It might be a chance to get writing credit on SOME sort of production. That can only be good. I hope.

I'll update later today.

Later today

Oh my great, achin', honkin', boggling mind.

"Yeah, well it doesn't have to be that well-written. It's making fun of how ridiculous soap operas are." *wubba* You can't write effective humour without an underlying fondness for the work being lampooned. I asked if his goal was to parody soap operas. "Parody?" he said.

He asked if I had anything to say about the script. When I did, he went into explanation mode. If that much explantion is necessary, then the words need work. It wasn't apparent that the screenplay was meant to be an over-the-top, parody by exaggeration.

I ended the conversation by thanking him for coming to meet me. I added that I probably wasn't the person he was looking for, but if I had any ideas, I'd toss them his way. I had to repeat that last part four (4!) times. It was as if I was the first person who'd taken him seriously. I'm sincere, if the TV muse zaps me with her rabbit ears, I'll whip something up. I ain't gonna hold my breath.

Say, would you watch a show about rockabilly women who love their cars, and work on 'em, yet are still girly-girls?

Just thinkin'.

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