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A bit sore today, but it's that "Goldangit, I DID something" soreness that's all too rare these days.

Finished this particular transcription and have a new-found respect for court reporters and old-fashioned secretaries. Gosh.

Got my Oregon voter's guide (volume 1) yesterday afternoon in the mail. It's a freakin' tome. This volume concentrates on the various state measures, and includes both arguments for and against each measure. I read through it last evening (even Homer nods) and am amazed at the breadth of argument being offered.

In Oregon, there's a measure, Measure 36 to be exact, to re-define marriage in Oregon as being between one man and one woman. What the fuck?! I am terrified by all of the anti-measure 36 placards that grace the lawns of mater's neighbourhood. I'm starting to see a sprinkling on pro-measure 36 signs, but they're few and far between.

Call me crazy, some do, but isn't this attempting to legislate morality? And isn't that rather a violation of the separation of Church and State?

As we know, the legislation of morality has worked so well; i.e. Prohibition, anti-miscegnation laws (some on the books until the 1960s!), adultery, illicit drugs, etc. ...

One night we discovered that, with a sharp knife, the signs and (especially) the bumperstickers can be changed to read, "One man on 36 men. Yes." Well, guess who's fingers twitch every time she drives through the neighbourhood?

Keep things crossed that a sensible electorate will prevail.

And this just in... [added to entry 10/09/2004, 15:10 PDT]

Looks like Mt. St. Helens is getting fussy again. Magnitude 2.4 eruptions are occurring, on average, about one every two minutes(or so). The alert level is (at this point) still downgraded to Volcano Advisory (Alert Level 2). Level 3 means that geologists think an eruption is a-coming, and soon. That's where it was last week during the more spectacular blow-out.

I found an MSH volacano-cam, here. Remember though, this is the Pacific Northwest and, as they say on the site, it's either raining, about to rain, or just finishing raining so the view can be dicey. Oh, but when it's

Okay, it really bothers me that the Helen in Mount St. Helens is plural rather than possessive. I did some checking, and according to the reliable sources that I could find, it's Mount St. Helens in the plural. Oooo, argh. Great. Now I've got to figure out why it's that way. Oh, damn. *grin*

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