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`Allo, mes amis. I am utterly thrashed. Mater had dental emergency (non-life threatening, but painful), and Xat played cabbie most of the day.

Of course, I was still recovering from Farscape: The Peacekeeper Wars part one. Then I had to watch the whole thing from the beginning again last night. Then stayed up and watched the second half again.

I am sad that the series is over. However, I am pleased that the producers and writers are steeling themselves against Trek-itis. As it was, the story ended in a bittersweet way--neither all good, nor all bad--which is the biggest part of its appeal to me. It feels more truthful than any other SF series that I've ever seen.

The frustration is that they had to squish an entire season's worth of story into only four hours. The first half felt rushed. However, the momentum worked very well for the second half.

Okay, I cried several times during the broadcast. True! It's a credit to the writers that they've created characters that felt so real that I cared about them and what happened to them.

Hato-kun called at almost every commercial break of the second half and we screeched at each other until it came back on.

I must fly. Maybe I'll do another entry later...maybe not. We'll see.

Later--same day: I would have liked to have had the slower story build that happens during a full season. I think that the richness of the characters suffered. Still, the creators handled the situation as best as they could, and did a thorougly enjoyable job. After all, the creators always said that the story had a definite end...and they held true to that. For that, I am glad.

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