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You know that's it's going to be an amusing evening when you walk into a bar, and there are two men in loin cloths (one with a beer bong) wandering around.

Yessirree Bob, the Nuclear Winter Formal was last evening. We (Binkie, Treluv, and I) looked smashing.

Binkie was stunning in a beige lace dress. Of course it was shredded strategically. We made her hair as big as possible. With the addition of cherry-red lipstick, her look was a hit.

Treluv went with a minimalist (though not as minimal as the young men in loin cloths) look--straw cowboy hat, acolyte robe (nattily sashed with white cotton rope; for quick flagellation, I guess), and cowboy boots. I believe it was an homage to his character in the movie Urban Scout, which premiered last night.

I took my clothing cues from the badass/zombie hunter post-apocalytic model. It worked well because I didn't have to buy anything. How many Women of a Certain Age (such as myself) can wear black leather jeans, chaps, biker boots (with bondage bracelet attached to the left boot, bien sur), waistcoat, biker jacket and make all the little boys (and some of the girls) swoon? I threw on a lot of jewelry, thinking that if it really were after the apocalypse, you'd wear your wealth. Wouldn't you?

Some people went all out; a good look was gas mask (there were a couple of those) and evening wear. There were a few people wearing conical hats, and at least one Postman. Lots of odds and ends. I was surprised, I was the only one that went bad-ass, Mad Max style. I wish I'd worn my plastic rifle. Oh well.

There was some interesting art up on the walls. A bit of a tragedy, when an over-enthused reveller knocked two of them down and tore a bit of the canvas on one. It added to the doom and gloom feel of the piece, so it worked.

Binkie and Treluv got their pictures taken in front of the Portland in flames canvas. Lovely.

I ran into people that I knew, or that knew me, all over the bar. How strange. I had no idea I knew (in the nightclub "hey, your face is familiar" sense) that many people.

The make-out room. Wait. Hang on, I can't remember what they called it. Hmm. Something like the "immunity boosting room" wherein one could make out with strangers as a way to inoculate oneself against various and sundry post-apocalyptic bio-hazards. Well, I didn't see anyone take full advantage of the room, but there was a lot of sitting around on sofas and talking.

At midnight, Urban Scout premiered. It concerns the adventures of an urban nomad, Urban Scout. A sweeping, twenty minute, epic-ette, the story covers his quest for love, his feud with Suburban Scout, and trying to evade the loan shark, Native Cowboy (played with classic brilliance by Treluv).

It was fun, and funny. Even the beer bong made an appearance in the movie.

I know I must be feeling better. I was loud, gorgeous and broke a good three or four hearts. My favourite I just sucked down a margarita and, whew!, I'm feeling saucy line? In the smoking room, as a young man stepped over me and I moved to make it easier for him, he said,
"You're fine."
"I know," I said, with a wicked eyebrow lift. He agreed and Binkie laughed.

Yeah, it was a fun evening, and good for my ego. Hallelujah.

BTW- the interview went okay, I think. I'll know by next week if I'm going to be semi-gainfully employed.

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