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Best present: new soft top for Tora Torakku. Whee!

Most sentimental moment: Mater crying after she re-read the poem I wrote for her.

Silliest moment: going over to Binkie's and exchanging gifts--of course everyone gave everyone books. That is what our tribe does.

I have an embarrassment of riches in the book department. Yay! Binkie and I gave each other Stitch 'n Bitch Nation by Debbie Stoller (we'd arranged to do that), BB gave me Iain Banks' The Business, and Treluv gave me Tom Spanbauer's The Man Who Fell in Love with the Moon. I'm eager to dive into new reading territory.

HatoKun called in the afternoon. I chatted with his mother for a few minutes. It's been years since I've seen or talked with her; it was nice. A little weird, but nice.

Now it's back to knitting, jotting outline notes, and digesting the mountain of food I've eaten in the past few days. Oy. No more Russian tea cookies for me.

You don't believe that, do you? Inshallah, my bloated belly will shrink back to its normal, slightly curved plane in the next couple of days.

Looks like I've got a belly dance gig on New Year's Eve with the 'Vinos. (All the more reason to hope that the belly deflates.) I enjoy dancing with those guys. With any luck, I'll be in a bathroom changing back into street clothes, or outside being exotic and unapproachable, or something, and not have to be concerned about the whole, stupid, kissing at midnight thing.



Happy Boxing Day!
Happy Kwanzaa!

Go be fabulous.

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