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"President's Statement on S. 686, Allowing Federal Courts to Hear Claim of Terri Schiavo


Today, I signed into law a bill that will allow Federal courts to hear a claim by or on behalf of Terri Schiavo for violation of her rights relating to the withholding or withdrawal of food, fluids, or medical treatment necessary to sustain her life. In cases like this one, where there are serious questions and substantial doubts, our society, our laws, and our courts should have a presumption in favor of life. This presumption is especially critical for those like Terri Schiavo who live at the mercy of others. I appreciate the bipartisan action by the Members of Congress to pass this bill. I will continue to stand on the side of those defending life for all Americans, including those with disabilities."

Question: Why is it that a "presumption in favor of life" only applies to those whose continued existence provides some sort of political fodder for the current administration? A bit of window-dressing that gives the impression that Something is Being Done to advance the cause of the anti-choice crowd. What about the troops in the Middle East? Don't they have the right to remain alive? If it's not okay to have an abortion, or stop care for someone whose quality of life is compromised, why is it okay to send troops overseas?

After all, if one is going to claim Biblical obedience, shouldn't one follow at all times the injunction against killing? It doesn't say, "Though shall not kill, except..."

Oh, and here's a really weenie thing to whine about; the news organizations are all pronouncing the last name, Schiavo, as "shy-voe." I am an intolerant, elitist, pig-bitch because it makes me cringe. Did you know that schiavo means slave? And the correct pronunciation is "ski-ah-vo"? Hmmm? Didja? Didja?

Argh. Go. Be fabulous.

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