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I'm watching CNN. I'm wondering what on earth the Shrub could say about the pope? I want to watch, but I'm premenstrual and don't want to buy a new television. Decisions, decisions.

There are sweeping shots across St. Peter's Square; so many people. I watched the people in the square. I am annoyed by the talking heads. How I wish I could switch off the yapping, and listen to the ambient sounds of the crowd.

I shed a tear, too. Much to my surprise. It's a reminder of our inevitable deaths. Coming at the heels of the Schiavo case, it says that nothing, not the prayers of millions, not by order of the US President, can hold off death.

I kind of remember hearing some blather about how, among those who profess to have some clue of the inner workings of the universe (HA!), that the next pope would either reign during the Antichrist, or be the Antichrist. It puts an interesting frisson to things, neh?

What a bland world we'd live in without the Catholic church. Its motley collection of pagan, Jewish, and Christian superstition, ritual, and belief gives almost everyone something to believe in, or rebel against. The Catholic church, in its beauty and brutality, apes humanity. It is our reflection--warts and all.

Whew. Didn't know I was going to veer there. Hmmph.

Go. Be fabulous.

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