Who wants to buy Susie Bright's "Best American Erotica 2005" for me?

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Have you ever seen anything more lovely than a credit card bill with the following:

New Balance $0.00
Past Due Amount $0.00
Minimum Payment $0.00

I haven't. *grin* That's one down, one to go, and student loans. I'm not so worried about the student loans. I figure I'm so old that they'll never get all of it back.

Went over to Bix'n'Binkie's last evening. We were going to go to Chatterbox's and do our pre-2nd anniversary Beat Revival picking poetry thing. (How much does this suck? How 'bout this? Would it be better with more cunts? How 'bout antiphons?) That mutated into staying at Bix'n'Binkie's, and discussing poetry.

It was helpful, and fun.

An early evening, I was back in the 'burbs by 21:30-ish. I fell asleep on my bedroom floor with KaliHellKitty on my lap. Woke up at 00:30 with the TV and light on, with an impressive rivulet of drool cascading from the left side of my mouth, and no sign of my Benevolent Taskmistress. Two hours later, I was still awake and staring at really horrible soft-core porn.

When my radio clicked on at 06:00, I couldn't believe it.

I'm going to go collapse and contribute fuck-all to the human race. 'Cause sometimes that's a good thing. If only the present administration had been so motivated. I'm curious to see what happened/happens with the British elections. Aren't you?

Go. Be fabulous.

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