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We gathered last evening to stick 8s on the 2nd anniversary posters--they'd been printed with the incorrect date. I met up with MC-CC and Johnny Royal at Noir, and we adjourned to My Father's Place.

We geeked hard. Our conversation revolved around AVP, comic cons, the Hitchhiker's movie (and all of its incarnations), D&D, work, music, BSG, et cetera, et cetera. I even got to indulge my shallow, shallow self.

The waiter came by, took our orders, and the guys ordered beers. She asked for their IDs, and they complied. She said that she was tired of everyone always being younger than her. I laughed. She asked why, and I said that I thought I was older than her. Yeah, yeah she said, Lemme see your ID. I handed it over and got the most unholy thrill when she looked at it and said, Oh shit. Yessirree, Bob. She's nine years younger than moi.

It's a guilty pleasure, and one that I know won't last forever. If I were truly evolved, I wouldn't crow about it. Then again, I am another fallible human--with all the vices and virtues that entails. And this is my forum, where I can be as much of an ass as I want. *grin* Sometimes it's good to be an ass.

Let's see.

Mater's healing, though staying in the house most of the time, and taking painkilling drugs has addled her perceptions. Because her world has shrunk, the smallest things become too important. We had a 10-minute discussion today on whether or not I should buy more ham on my way back from the library.


I am trying to think of this as an exercise in patience. It's also great motivation to get out of the house, the city, and the state.

Enough of my kvetching.

Go. Be fabulous.

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