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DANGER! Picture on left side appears to be quite accurate. Take the warning to heart, me lovelies.

I go back to Irvington for a shop meeting this evening. We're going to try an Ethiopian restaurant. I hope it's okay. I hope that the rush hour traffic doesn't cause my head to implode.

It was another fun-filled day, with my first client being an evil, selfish, real estate agent. *sigh* She had the effrontery to say that I wasn't creative. No, you small-minded, conventional, mundane bohick; I am simply not hopping to your bidding like some fantasy slave. Get over it. I ignored her comment, got hold of the situation, and satisfied her needs. Ye gods and little fishies.

After Real Estate Agent took a phone call in the midst of my speaking to her, without so much as a Pardon me, I had a quick, sick fantasy of slowly putting her through the laminating machine.

The day got better after the horror of that cretin.

Back to the house Mater was gone, a doctor's appointment. I had almost two whole, glorious hours to myself. I wrote some smut--eventually I've got to get good at it.

Oh. Dear. I get to go pound on Mater's back to break up more crystallized bits of stuff in her kidney.


Help me out of here.

*crooked grin* Yeah, yeah. I know, I can't depend on anyone else to get me out of this situation. But a little winge every now and again is allowed, I hope.

Go. Be fabulous.

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