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The book release went well last evening. A friend unexpectedly showed up--QuestionMark--so that was a hoot.

Everyone who read my work (MC-CC, who stripped down to a "Geeks have more fun," t-shirt; Binkie; Destro; MlleE; JE; and Treluv) did wonderful things to my stuff. It was really interesting and fun to hear my words from other people.

MlleE presented me with a star-shaped Congratulations! balloon-on-a-stick. It put me in mind of a fairy's wand. Too bad I left my sparkly, pink plastic tiara back at the house.

When Destro got up to read, he sang a few lines of "Sometimes When We Touch." This was both wonderful and cheesy--not too often can one get that mix right. Treluv sang a bit from some ?Phil Collins? song before he read.

It was great.

I am the luckiest woman to have such funny, cool, amazing, gracious people in my life.

Did pretty well on sales, too.

In fact, my ego may never shrink back to socially acceptable proportions. One of the early evening buyers got up and read one of my poems--and added one word. *grin* He maintains that one can never have too many cocks in poems. *cackle*

Without further ado, here's a shot of me a-poeting:

Yessiree Bob, two years ago I couldn't even spell poet. Now I are one.

I'm going to get everyone's okay to put up the other photos. Binkie did a great job...again. *mwah!*

Now you. You go, be fabulous.


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