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Gah! I'm going barking mad.

Trying to find my older writings and newer writings and editing the bejabbers out of them. It's humbling and enlightening to look at older work. Nice to see that I'm getting better. Sad to see that I've got a long, long, long way to go.

Working on a friend's chapbook. Trying to get together with another friend to get his chapbook ready for printing.

Working at two stores, in two states, almost every day. My papercuts have papercuts.

Trying to find space in PDX for a show of a friend's photography.

Astonished by a sharp spike in testerone-driven mating behaviour in my immediate vicinity (that was stolen from a friend's comments on yet another blog that I update sporadically). I suspect that it will soon ebb, as it always does.

Oh, the new mangler at the shop? He's leaving after two months. I've already met the likely replacement and I'm concerned.

The first order of business is to teach this person the protocol of proper scent-wearing. One's perfume/cologne/eau de toilette should neither precede, nor linger after one has left the shop. Especially not for twenty minutes after one has left the shop. Perhaps, I'll say gently, it would behoove you NOT to apply your scent with all the enthusiasm of Sgt. McNamara applying Agent Orange in Vietnam/Laos/Kampuchea.

Oh well, we'll see. Ach. My bed's calling. Good night sweetlings.

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