When we think of cruelty, we must try to remember the stupidity, the envy, the frustration from which it has arisen.-E. Sitwell

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Well, well, well. It appears that at least one member of the USPS has it out for me.

*laugh* I doubt that there's any connection to yesterday's packaging question.

This morning, a USPS employee took exception to my driving. He took it upon himself to tailgate me to where I parked, and lifted his middle finger at me--whilst safely stopped a half a block away. Concerned (and not knowing at that point that he was a USPS employee) about my safety and the safety of my vehicle, I followed him to his parking space. While he rolled down his window and yelled at me, I smiled and waved. While I waved, I noticed that he had on a USPS uniform. I also noted his physical description. Then I took off, but curiousity overcame me, and I went back to him. I rolled down my window, while on the correct side of the street, and asked why he was so concerned about my driving. I addressed him as sir, never raised my voice, never swore, and kept my hands on my steering wheel. Once he had finished berating me, and not actually answering my question, I thanked him for his concern. That I would take his opinions into consideration. I also said, "Gosh sir, you win." His reply? "I always do."

If there's anything that's guaranteed to turn me into an avenging angel, it's that bullying attitude. I knuckled under to my ex- for far too long to put up with that sort of crap.

With his response, I smiled and left his parking space. Parking further back in the neighbourhood seemed prudent, so I did. But on the way to the shop, I went by his car and took down the license plate number, the make, the model, and the colour of the vehicle.

After a couple of hours, and time for me to cool down, I called the post office at which he works.

I spoke to a supervisor, who was patient and wonderful. I wish you could have heard the chortle of joy in the supervisor's voice when I described the incident and was able to give time, place, and licence plate information. The supervisor let drop that this particular person has been having anger management problems (not in so many words, but I could tell from the tone in the voice). I said that it was a shame. That I understood being angry can do terrible things to one's judgement. I wondered if there were larger issues in his life, and wasn't that a pity.


I refuse to knuckle under to bullys of any type. I won't do it. I mean, hey, if there's a gun to my head, that's another thing. But I will not be intimidated by a small-minded wastrel. No more. I refuse to live in fear of what might happen--that's how people like that continue to bully and intimidate others. That isn't correct behaviour, and I will not tolerate it.

Yeah, it may be the more frightening path. And I may be hurt by it, but I won't live in fear. I will not be intimidated. I will not be a good, little woman and shut up. To hell with that, I shut myself up for too long to keep quiet now.

Arrogant pissmire. Even if my report isn't the one that sends him to anger management classes, I am adding to his files. That's a very good thing.

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