Hope is a risk that must be run. -Georges Bernanos

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Stayed at the house today. I knew that waking up with a 102 degree temperature was carte blanche for staying away from the shop.

Besides, it's so difficult to clean blood out of carpets.

I've spent all day watching Ghosthunters on the SciFi channel. What amazes me is how bad the grasp of scientific method is for some of the investigators. So many times they state a conclusion and then look for evidence to support their assumption. Even I--a madcap, illogical, dippy fool--can see where the flaw is in that line of reasoning. Fortunately, the two guys who started the group are pretty skeptical--that's what saves them.

Uh, yeah, watching TV (and realizing what a crutch/companion it's become and how much I'll miss life without one), dozing, drinking gallons of water/juice/tea, and packing boxes. Goodness. The excitement is nigh unbearable.

But now it's time to figure out how much I can spend for an internet connection. I'll go without TV, but not the internet. And I've got to figure out how to do it as cheaply as possible. I've already decided to use my mobile phone as my primary phone; that can change if it's better to have a land line and...oh hell, I don't know what the hell I'm talking about.

Time to do some research and figure that crap out.

Took the time yesterday to go lie on some futons. Found a lovely one with a cotton and foam core that should be quite comfy on the floor. Yes, I like sleeping on the floor. It doesn't hurt so much when you fall out of bed. *snigger* And the joy of discarding my narrow, maiden's bed?! Oh frabjous day.

I'm off. Time to get drooled on by KaliHellKitty.

Go. Be fabulous.

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