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Moved into the new place this weekend. Of course my help fell through. This shouldn't surprise me at all. Actually, it didn't.

I've got very butch bruises all over my forearms from carrying boxes of books into my place.

Saturday night was fun. Went out with some people. Got a bit too tipsy, but it was okay. There's something lovely about responsible irresponsibility. No drive? Beer!

Sunday I was pleased to discover that my building is filled with late-risers. Yay! There wasn't a peep out of anyone until after 13:00. I got up, made some homefries (mmmm, grease and caffeine), emptied a few boxes, and stared at the ceiling. Got a call from a friend, and we met at a coffee shop. Talked. Laughed. Decided to go back to my place, cook some pasta, then go be punky at the acme.

It went swimmingly well. Food was consumed. Nasal folk music (and the hippie crowd that accompanied it) was tolerated until the punk-ass DJs arrived. They played Dawn of the Dead on the movie screen--and fun was had by all.

Back home by midnight, asleep by 00:30. It was such a treat to wake up at 07:00 this morning, and not be in a mad panic to get out the door. Still, I'm not a happy girl when I've got to get up before 08:00--and I'm looking forward to getting back to my 10:00-18:00 schedule.

By the way, I met our new manager on Friday. He's a graphic designer by training, so he speaks the lingo. Thank goodness. Seems like a really nice, really mellow guy--and he's from the right coast. Hallelujah, we speak a similar patois.

That's it for now. My entries may be spotty for a bit--I don't have my computer at home yet. Still trying to figure out what sort of internet connection I can get; which one is the most cost-effective? It's obscene that Comcast wants over $50 a month for a broadband connection. But if I go the dial-up route, I've got to pay for a phone line and the ISP. I think it works out to about the same--and I don't want another phone line.

Inshallah, we shall see.

Go. Be fabulous.

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