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Woke up on my great room floor this afternoon. For a few horrible moments, I didn't know what time it was, whether I was horribly late for work, or what day it was.

Finally figured it out. Phew.

Got off my ass and chopped off all my hair Monday afternoon. Got (basically) double-dog dared--and I'm a weak, weak woman (plus I'd been yapping about it for a bit)--so it happened. I've had short-short hair before, so it wasn't too much of a surprise. However, it's nice to know for sure that my noggin is nicely rounded without any hotdog bun stuff going on.

One of these days I'll get a picture up. As if you're waiting with bated breath, what? *snort*

Made the hairdresser's day too. Her eyes lit up when I said that I wanted it all gone. "You mean a buzz?" she asked. "Yes please," I replied. A number of zwoops later and me pate had a thin covering of fur-soft hair.

Did I say I loved it? I keep on rubbing my head; it feels so nice. What's interesting is that I feel more feminine than ever. I don't know if it's a reaction to our culture's concept of the feminine. Or maybe the hairlessness highlights features that I like.

I'm glad I did it. And I wonder why I put up with the hair in my apartment (and shed thither and yon--sorry y'all), hair in my mouth, and hair everywhere for so long. Hell, another bellydance gig? I got wigs--or not. *grin*

I'd best run; public computer and I don't want to tie it up for too long.

Be fabulous.

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