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Ahhh, March in Stumptown. The splatter of rain against the windows. The smell of 4:20 wafting from a neighbour's apartment. Biggest plan this afternoon is crawling into bed and sleeping the afternoon away like a wee succubus.

The Story of the Newest Tattoo

Got home yesterday afternoon. Kept my online gallivanting to a minimum. Curled up with a book, played some mellow music. After a while, I fell asleep. Woke up to a call from Stuff. Chat, chat, naughtiness, chat, naughty, chat, chat. Hung up. Read some more. The alarum beeped. I got up, ate a little--it's good to have a little nosh before getting ink--got ready. Just before I walked out the door, I remembered that Patrick wanted to hear my poem, Vulva Doom. Printed a copy, and left.

Got to the shop at 18:59. Patrick was finishing another client. I read. Then it was time for Xat ink. I pulled my shirt down so that Patrick could work. Being a pragmatic sort, I'd already figured out what to wear that'd serve both access and modesty. He shaved and cleaned the area, and placed the stencil. That took a few tries. It pays to be patient--this is the only time you can play with the placement.

With other people coming in, getting the equipment and ink ready, phone calls, a cigarette break, talking, and a Dramatic Reading of my Terrible Poem, we got started inking around 20:15. Thank goodness for that nap.

Because the tattoo covers the upper left quadrant of my back, I really got to appreciate the nuances of sensation as the tattoo progressed. Bony areas were quite intense--the closer Patrick got to my ribs and my spine the more I winced. More muscular areas were a blessed relief--like being scratched by a cat who has forgotten that she is just playing. He started the outline; that's a one-needle endorphin releaser. Got most of it done then we took a break. 21:20

Pass two finished the outlining. The more sensitive areas felt more resentful of the needles' intrusion. Patrick asked if we were going to do the shading as well. Hell yeah, we were gonna do the shading. *grin* 22:13

Pass three; the shading. Multiple needle bars. In theory, not as many strokes necessary. In reality, it's just colouring in, getting all the blank spots covered. Sort of like colouring in a picture with a marker that's a little on the dry side. Sometimes it's necessary to go over and over a spot for full coverage. Erp.

The sensitive areas started feeling as if a white-hot filament was slipping through my skin. The passes were short, thank goodness, and I was able to concentrate on my breathing to control the ahem escalation of sensation.

Patrick finished inking the last bit at 23:20. He saved the best (?) for last; the dragon's head. It was in a really sensitive spot for me, and a difficult spot for him to work on. Whee.

Got bandaged and cling filmed. Went home and, after an hour, took off the wrappings and gave my new tattoo its first wash. Asleep by 01:00.

You can imagine my chagrin when my alarum sounded at 04:45. But I did it, by the wrinkled balls of St. Judas. Got up, showered (taking special care with new ink), dressed, and off to work.

Here's a picture. I had to take it in a mirror, so it looks like the ink's on my right shoulder. It ain't. You can see my Very First Tattoo, the bat, looking faded. Since the new ink is still fresh, it'll look sharper than my bat. Once it heals and mellows I'm hoping that the contrast will fade a little over time. Although it's obvious that the dragon is a much nicer piece.

Questions? Answers? Wry observances? Lemme know.

Now go. Be fabulous.

I'm going to have some dark chocolate and red wine.

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