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Who and why would anyone shave a cat? Particularly a long-haired, orangey tabby-ish variety?

This poor cat. It was sitting on my street a few blocks up from WahferThin Manor. Only its body had been shaved; the head, tail, and paws from ankles down still sported full, luxuriant growth. You've heard the term "quietly mortified"? This cat was seriously pissed off.

To make a cat look ridiculous breaks one of the cardinal points of the Codex Feles (yes, my terrible dog-Latin for the feline books of behaviour). I imagined the cat's naked ape still cowering under his or her kitchen tables, long scratches up and down his or her arms.

So where did Codex Feles come from? Stuff and I were being properly reverent to his (I use the ownership term with great fear and trembling) cat. She, of course, had snuggled between us like a furry bundling board. Every time one of us moved, she let us know of her Great and Terrible Disapproval. I said something about moving Kitten being against the, uhm, uhm, erm, uhm...Codex Feles. That got us both imagining tenets found in the book.

First tenet: Everything here is mine.
Second tenet: Refer to first tenet.

All other tenets are clarifications of the first two.

*grin* Nap time for this woman. I've promised to go to tango class tonight. I'm afraid that I may have lost my tango. ("Tango! Tango! Come back, tango!") But if you never look, how can you find, neh?

Be fabulous.

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