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You say you want it now? And in purple? Yessirree, Bob. C'mon down to the The Purple Store and shop till you pop.

Oh my heavens.

Years ago I worked with a flamboyant guy who loved the colour purple. No, not loved (Gads, is there a superlative beyond love?), ultra-, hyper-, uber-loved purple. The Monday after he won enough at bingo to buy a purple settee I thought his head was going to explode. How he coveted my purple backpack. I swear he stalked it. But, being the ultra-cool dorkarina that I am, his obsession became a point of reference. I understand obsessions; though mine tend to be of shorter duration ooooo, look, shiny and more widely spread.

I do hope that he got his purple house. It would make him so happy.

Let's see. Pulled another double-shift today. Yep, 06:00 to 17:30. Took a lunch. It was for the good of humanity that I hid away and recharged my Betty Barista persona. Y'know, the one that does the ol' Step'n Fetchit for tips.


The weather was gorgeous today. Sunny, blue skies, warm. An hors d'oeuvre for Stumptown's glorious summers. Tends to drive the locals mad. I saw more guys in zories, jeans/shorts and t-shirts than you can shake a stick at.

I'm pooped. Was going to tango tonight, but my feet hurt. Hurting tootsies do not make for a happy tango experience.

Be fabulous.

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