Paul Erdos: A Mathematician is a machine for turning coffee into theorems.

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About to head into algebra. We've got a test this evening. Ugh. While I've reconciled myself to the notion of algebra for algebra's sake, I'm still casting about for some iota of algebraic pertinence in my life. After all, I've managed for almost 40 years to do things without the benefit of college algebra.

Oh well. It's an intellectual exercise. Plus there's something very elegant and triumphant about getting something to work properly.

A few minutes to run over some notes, a quick look at some problems and then, into the lists of battle I go.

I'll come back with my shield or on it-as Spartan mothers supposedly said to their sons before battle.

*grin* Can you imagine it? Flying functions, slaughterous slopes and vicious variables ranged against me. I am girt with calculator and pencil. I have no other weapons, except my intellect.

Oh dear.

(Later)It's just after 8PM. The test took me about 45 minutes. Whether that's a good thing or not will be seen.

I called the BadMan this evening, but no reply so far. Boy, if he's gone to see David Bowie. . .grrr. Though if the knife were in the other pocket, I'd do the same thing. *laugh* So, no worries. *grin*

I guess it's back to the ranch-Chez Xat. Hell Kitty will be pleased to see me. Maybe. Let's see if she deigns to admit my existence.

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