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Today's a red-letter day for me. One year ago I started my first blog. *grin*

Next week I'm going to be in New England, visiting Gran'mater. I'm looking forward to familiar scenery and a sense of time. I miss things having history. Not that the stuff back East is particularly old; it's that there's a certain gravitas that's not here. I am going to try to squash in East Coast things that I miss--maybe a drive to the beach (all 10 miles of this New England state's shoreline), real(er) pizza, Concord grape jelly...

Most of all, I'm visiting Gran'mater. I hope to convince her that I should start organizing her writings. As one writer to another, I would like to preserve her voice. I'm sure there are parts that she'd prefer to keep to herself--I can understand that--but whatever she's willing to share would be great.

It would be a great read. She grew up in New York City during the 1930s. She's witty, dry, intellectual and funny as hell. I'd love to share her words, because I love them so much. Her account of Gran'pater's 20+ year odyssey of re-doing the bathroom is killer.

I've been on-line this morning, looking for stuff that fulfills 'travel book' criteria. It's a delicate balance. I crave tales that are intelligent, but not pedantic. I want books that are easily-transportable; heavy books that are light-weight.

A big day of laundry and packing lies ahead. Whoo-hoooooo!

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