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August 2004. Wow. Where has the year gone?

Last night I saw a friend's debut with an up-and-coming Stumptown band, Loch Lomond. Technically good, I had issues with the lead singer's voice. It's adenoidal with a slight whine. That's a voice style that's never appealed to me. Every song had a classic 3/3 rhythm. I think they've got a good base, but I'd like to hear them explore more musically.

It was nice to see everyone out. Happiness. They were both surprised and pleased to see me. Makes a girl feel good. Binkie, her mom, Emilicious, Edareeno, Larry; there were plenty of people to chat with. There was also some sort of masquerade thing going on at another nearby bar. People wandered in wearing habits, devil horns and pitchforks, little Catholic schoolgirl uniforms, then wandered back out again.

Indulged in a gimlet. That proved to be a good thing. Gimlets can go so wrong, but this one didn't. Since I'm not a huge drinker, I can afford to splurge on one really good drink made with quality ingredients. One drink, nary a cigarette...I might be getting the non-smoking thing down. *knock on wood*

All of my friends are hoping to meet Hato-kun. I've been gushing, what can I say? Fingers and toes and ears and lungs and eyes are crossed that he'll be able to visit soon.

Bowed out at about 2-ish this morning. Headed to suburbia. On the way, an urge for a horrible, awful, hideous McD's burger hit me like a pissed off cat in a wet sack. I must be premenstrual. Had a lovely conversation with the young guy at the drive-through. He stumbled over a sentence as he was trying to be witty, which was sweet. I laughed anyway and he visibly relaxed. Poor kid, working the night shift at McD's in the 'burbs.

Back to ChezXat. Third degree from HellKitty. Then into my freshly made, maiden-narrow bed and into Morpheus' arms.

Tonight--the Rabbit Hole. I expect to hear great stories about the Goat Roast.

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