Reading: "Serendipities" Umberto Eco

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Click for Portland, Oregon Forecast


Happy Tuesday!

Mount St. Helens is doing its thing. The sun's shining. Mt. Hood is getting a wee bit pissy. The vice-presidential debates are this evening. HellKitty is demanding her supper. The movie that we made has been sent.

After math class this morning (still filled with technical issues, but it's getting better), I came back to the old manse. Mater was ironing in the family room with the TV on.

Shots of the 10,000 foot high ash and steam cloud dominated the screen as the talking heads grilled the geologists and seismologists on site. I'd say there was quasi-orgasmic fervor among the media that melted away when it became apparent that neither havoc nor mayhem was forthcoming.

Gosh darn the luck.

However, there's a pretty good chance (@80%) that Mt. St. Helens will go kerflooie in a more spectacular way in the next month or so. That's what they're saying...but you know, no one's really sure.

I'm anxious about the end of the month. That's when it looks like Hato-kun might be coming up. If it blows, there's no air traffic. Volcanic ash does icky things to jet engines.

Oh well, what can you do? Keep things crossed that the volcano will bow to my needs and desires. *laugh*

I'm noticing on the train that the population is more representative of the Stumptown area. *WARNING! Sweeping generalization follows!* Only white folk drive everywhere. It reminds me of something a woman once told me, back in DC. This woman theorized that only brown people would be able to get around after the collapse (what and how, I don't know) because white folk couldn't use public transport. Okay, so there are logical errors in her supposition, but she got such glee out of saying it. I didn't have the heart to say that it'd be a surprise if anything was running.

KaliCat has announced, in no uncertain terms, that further delay of her supper will not be tolerated. I must needs go to her bidding.

Au revoir, mes amis.

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