Reading: "The Year's Best SF 9" Hartwell and Cramer, ed's.

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Looks like the National Film Challenge received our movie on time. Yay. We're in the running. Now, long it takes for the judges to do the doo-doo that they do is anyone's guess.


I have no idea, never having done anything like this before.

In other news...

Mt. St. Helens either is or is not going to go kerflooie. No one really knows, which is the normal course of things.

I think I've got the writer's burden; that is, I don't like the bulk of people very much. Getting out into the real-ish world and interacting with the mundanes makes me bitchy, intolerant, and short-tempered. Or it could be the PMS. *laugh* I guess I'll know soon.

Math class today was two hours of going through the homework. Fraught with technical difficulties, we finally plowed through the last problem five minutes before the class officially ended.

Good news though, if the instructor is serious, we're covering the bulk of serious requirements for the course right now. The rest is gravy. I feel my soul stirring towards a new emotion, could it be hope?

At least it doesn't feel so Sisyphean anymore. But if you're sending good math mojo, please don't stop.

A nice thing about the class is that a good percentage of my classmates feel about the subject the same way I do; ick, but it is kind of interesting.

It's like me and computers, I understand enough to appreciate the creativity and magic, but not enough to contribute anything of value. It's frustrating, like grabbing at smoke, but hey--what'cha gonna do?

I'm supposed to be getting a mess of transcription work to do. Never having actually transcribed anything, it's gonna be a bitch and a half until I get the chops down. Hey, it's an honest buck or three--and any money earned goes right into the moving fund.

Hato-kun's supposed to call this evening. We're going to work on details of his visit. I'm so excited, pleased, and thrilled. I haven't seen him since June, and I miss him a lot. As if that wasn't obvious.

It's like saying that politicians are liars, children like sweets, and HellKitty is Mistress of All She Surveys.

Today's poem: Thursday Morning

And so it goes...

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