"Sanity is a cozy lie." Susan Sontag (1933-2004)

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If I see one more fear-mongering talking head ask if a tsunami of the scale that devastated Sumatra, India, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, etc. could happen to the eastern coast of the United States I am going to go on a rampage.

Sure, I've seen the tsunami escape route signs on the Oregon and Washington state coasts. Considering that the Juan de Fuca plate subducts just off the coast and triggers volcanic activity (can anyone say Mt. Saint Helens?) our early-warning systems are much more entrenched than anywhere in the Indian Ocean.

But still, I swear, if I hear any more about the Good Friday quake of 1964 that triggered a tsunami that washed away 4 Oregonians, I am NOT going to be responsible for my actions.

Guess what, United States, this ain't about us. I swear, the people in this country live in this weird, Epcot-like world where international events are only of interest if they directly affect the US. We cannot be isolationists, and anyone who believes that we can is living in some Ozzie and Harriet television land.

On a cold-blooded and cynical note, this disaster would be a really good way for the US to begin to repair the damage it's done by its inept handling of the Middle East. If the outpouring of relief was even a small percentage of the money that's been thrown into the Iraq debacle, think of how many lives we could affect for the better.

Good god, over 52,0000 dead. And that's just the beginning; cholera, typhus, starvation, famine...and let's not forget the insurgency that's been going on in Indonesia. I read today in the Indian news that the tsunami uprooted landmines and flung them far and wide.


Then, to top it off, I found out that Susan Sontag died today.

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