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I have shed blood in my new job. I am officially On-the-Team. Right hand, ring finger, upper phalange, on the side closest to the pinkie, a paper cut. Technically, a plastic cut. The injury occured while collating laminated menus.

After the Great Paper/Plastic Cut Incident of 2004 I had a fight with a copier. I messed around with its guts and gears screeching, "Who's yer Momma?!" The machine decided that compliance was a better choice. Damn straight. Lo, the Copier Dominatrix is risen. *angelic choir*

We started moving the counters around and creating a better looking lobby area. It looks great, and there's more definition between public and production spaces.

Now, thank heavens, three days off. Whee!

Thinking about which bellydance regalia to wear for New Year's. I'm not quite sure what time New Year's Eve and where it's happening, but that's not unusual. It's an adventure.

Got an e-mail from a friend who's considering reading the DaVinci Code. I've tried to talk him out of it, just for his intellectual safety. I fear it may be too late.

Then again, there's the brain-bubblegum aspect. Hell, I read trashy romance novels so I can't be all superior and crap.

HellKitty is curled up on my lap. The sun is quickly fading. My creative juices are roiling and boiling. Time to write some porn...erm...erotica.

Whee! Now go be fabulous.

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