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The tulips are starting to bloom! The tulips are starting to bloom! Next, the strawberries will begin. Mmmm. I love standing in the back garden, eating sun-warmed strawberries from the vines. My hands get sticky and red from the sweet fruit of early summer.

Last night I went outside. A breeze blew and it smelled like earth and green things. Warmer weather is coming. KaliHellKitty has dropped enough fur to make three or four good-sized cats. Everything I own has its protective barrier of cat hairs. I wonder if it's good against WMDs? Hell, probably as good as whatever the gubmint is suggesting.


On a paper that I worked on today, the writer chose to use the made-up word "incented" as in "contributors can be incented to reach a higher level." Incented? How about inspired, encouraged, motivated, roused? All of these are words that have the advantage of long use, are understandable to the majority of readers, and don't create the impression of over-reaching.

Maybe it's me. I'm too fussed about such things. In my opinion, correct grammar makes things easier to read and allows the ideas to stand in front. Grammar isn't at all the straitjacket that some seem to think. It's infinite in its nuances, and challenging as all get out.

My writing? The content might be a Gordian knot of thoughts and digressions, but my good/bad/indifferent writing will not be overshadowed by the additional burden of crappy grammar. Eesh. It's hard enough, neh?

Go. Be fabulous.

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