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Suburban Saturday in Generica. Everyone was out today; all the soccer parents with their shin-guard wearing sprogs, harried young parents with equally harried newborns, grumpy people running errands with extreme prejudice. Oh yeah, we got all the types covered.

Managed to stick to my list; videotapes, false eyelashes, eye shadow brushes, one half inch buttons, cream-type blush, crochet hook, size 8 bamboo knitting needles, and a mongo-sized pack of AAA batteries. Don't act like you don't know what the batteries are for, honeychile.

Got a call from the birthday boy. He was appreciative at the top of his lungs for the birthday package. C'mon, what man doesn't want the Thing hands that make crashing noises and say, "It's clobberin' time!" every time they're smacked into something?

Oh, and I've got to write a press release about myself to send to the local free newspapers. Looks like I'm having a book release at Noir in a couple of weeks. Hoo-eee. I guess now's a good a time as any to learn how to write a press release, eh?

I'm going to a party tonight. I'm not looking forward to it, but it's better than staying in the house. I'll be quietly gorgeous, I think for a change, and still break 13 hearts, damnit. In Xatonia, I'm always the most fabulous creature in the room. Not that it has any bearing on reality, but that's okay.

I knit my very first pair of baby booties today. They're for a friend who just had a girl. I haven't forgotten about the knitted uterus, just haven't been motivated. What a pill, huh. The knitted uterus will happen, eventually.

Other than that, it's pretty quiet.

Go. Be fabulous.

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