The love of power and the love of liberty are in eternal antagonism. -John Stuart Mill

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Just got back from our monthly store meeting with the new mangler. *sigh* I won't go on about it (too much) but when he declared that he has no ego and is eager for our input, my beef larb nearly shot out of my nose.

Uh-huh. Yeah. I coughed, and recovered.


The sunset was beautiful today. I got a view as I drove back to the 'burbs after our meeting. Great piles of clouds filled the sky, catching the golden light of the sun. The sky went from cold turquoise blue and grey into orange, salmon and peach.

One nice thing about being in the Pacific Northwest during the summer is that the days are so long. I swear, this time of year light lingers until about 10:00PM--unless it's raining.

Oh hey, did I tell you that I knit my very first pair of baby booties? I did. I chose a tasteful winter white yarn and finished with bright orange buttons. They're for friends who just had the courage, foresight, and good taste to have a daughter. Okay, they're actually for their daughter, but you know what I mean.

The booties are teensy-tiny. I finished and blocked them. Every time I walked by the counter where they dried, I devolved into helpless, girly, oh my stars and garters they're so CUTE! shrieking. Mater did the same.

What's coming up? Looking forward to the Vinos gig at the Know (2026 NE Alberta; Stumptown) on June 17th. Nick Jaina of the Binary Dolls will be playing. The Vinos will be fabulous. I'll be shakin' mah ass (and the rest of me) in belly dance drag.

Now go. Be fabulous.

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