Do what you can, where you are, with what you have. -T. Roosevelt

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There's construction going on at the edge of the neighbourhood. Yesterday, around noon, something got sliced. Telephone and cable service were cut off all day. It was great.

I read. I listened to the radio. I read some more. I wrote and wrote and wrote. I put together a really small chapbook. I knit. I went outside and rolled around in the grass. I listened in on my chatty neighbours as they did yardwork.

Do I sound that inane when I'm just yapping? Humbling. Eep.

There's one last week (or so) of part-time work, then it's full-time. Still looking for work in SoCal--at least nosing around and seeing how the land lies--and keeping my nose to the grindstone. With occasional, and necessary, fun breaks.

Ain't no one on their deathbed ever wished they spent more time working, goldangit. People should call in well more often;
"I feel much too good to come into work today."
"It'd ruin my day to have to deal with {insert boss/client/machine/Sisyphean task} today. So I'm not coming in."
"Yes I will. Thank you."

I did that once. Called in well. Don't think they quite knew what to do with me.

*grin* Could we start a movement? International call in well day? It could be angled to target the multi-nationals, thus making it a political protest.

Okay, here's a lazy, Sunday thought; what if all the workers in the world stopped for one hour on one chosen day? It could move cyclically around Earth--starting at either the International Date Line or at Greenwich--at the "same" time. Say, between 11 and noon? Wouldn't that be amazing? I don't know what it'd do, except remind people in charge that it takes a lot of people to make everything happen, and that people are the basis of their power. Seems like we've forgotten the human element in all our lives.

Whew. See what happens when I spend too much time by myself? Eeep.

Go. Be fabulous.

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