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Laws-a-mercy. I was at the table of bloated/cramping, and/or randy women last evening. There we were, in a place that encourages us to be as lewd and crass as possible. We rose to the occasion and didn't disappoint.


I hit a personal best for ass grabbin' last evening. I cannot bear the full responsibility--MC-CC wore his kilt (I disclaim all responsibity for my actions while in the throes of kilt-trance)--JR's subtle camo long shorts (long shorts! *laugh*) were a blatant invitation to see if his heinie really was there--MlleE's tush looked fantastic in her cute, cropped slacks and fabulous heels (dey's GAWjus!)and were, I think, given to her by her guy.

(I wanna know what guy gives his woman shoes, incredibly cute, shoes for her birthday. *Pout* Could I maybe, one day, have one like that? Though I'd probably freak out and run away if confronted with a genuinely nice guy who treated me as if I were important to him. Gaah! I'm a mess.)
~This aside brought to you by my cyclical "I'm so lonely" moment. It seems to be hormonally-related. Thank goodness it only lasts a few days. Expect more next month.

It's been like this all weekend; cramping, bloating, randy as a cat in heat, and moody as a brand new mood ring. Since I like my friends, I tried to minimize their exposure to me this weekend.

Now I've got some other stuff to take care of, so...go. Be fabulous.

Because you are.

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