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The job search continues. I'll spend some time this weekend polishing my CV. A friend has another friend who might have an in on a job so...


I am wonderfully, painfully, wickedly sore today. All the muscles in my legs and ass are groaning and protesting (but it's good pain) at my evening of dance. Yep. Went to a tango class last evening, then on to a milonga where I danced for another two hours.


I'se so heppy.

Chris had me follow with my eyes closed, which helped me focus on what he was leading me into. We even got a little swing dancing in. Oddly, it relaxed us both enough so that the next tango set went more smoothly.

I got to dance with a stranger. That's a great way to learn; dancing with as many different people as possible. Laws, he made me look good. That's an accomplishment, considering that I've only been tango-ing for two weeks--and gone out tango-ing only two or three times.

(Oh, Wednesday night, I led MlleE in a Texas Two-Step. Never have led it before, but it's so simple that I was throwing her into turns and shit. Me. Leading. *bwah-hah-hah-hah!* Meanwhile, her man and Chris were dancing--doing that arms wrapped around each other, high school, slow dance. Caused some amusment/consternation/laughter. *giggle*)

Just got an e-mail from Keoni(Keoni.) He did the bodycasts using me as a model the summer before last. He's got a blog, which I've linked to over there on the left. Go check him out; he's also a writer.

Here's something cool; he's entering the cast of my back into the Seattle Erotic Arts Festival. It's the piece called "Repose" on his gallery page.

Laws, I is Art.

I'm hosting an open mic at the acme on Wednesday, December 21st. It's the day before my birthday and I'm being a total jackass. I'm rolling my birthday party and the reading into one thing. Here's the catch; there's a theme for the evening.

The theme is me.

Good, bad, indifferent--as long as it's about me, it's all good.

Oh, I know some people won't get the joke. They'll get all huffy and "Who does she think she is," but it's a big laugh. If I can't take it, I've got no right to take the piss out of others.

Training today. Amazing how much the asshole who denied me a halfway decent raise couldn't leave his cube today. Hell, he couldn't even look me in the eye.

Thus showing his true, craven, colours.

Wouldn't I just love to brand his ass? Yes. Yes I would. With a coat hanger and a Zippo.

I'm off to rent more zombie movies. I rented a local (Oregon) production called Evil Cult. If you're a fan of good/bad movies you'd like this one. It's got everything; action, cults, meltoids, zombies, time travel, mad scientists, crypto-biblical prophecies--and the bonus features are funny as hell. Xat sez (to shamelessly steal from the immortal JoeBob Briggs), "Check it out." 0 boobs, lots o' blood, both live and undead beasts, zombie-fu, laser-fu, one decapitation by car bonnet, one kiss, lots o' was fun.

Go. Be fabulous.

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